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All are in very nice condition and these happen to be from either the 500, 600 or 700 levels and must have been in the shade since they are not faded. Please be prepared on game day to show your military ID upon request. Wha~. Discounts include $38 for designated Upper Level seats, $68-$78 for designated Lower Level seats (price depends on section), and $128 for designated Stadium Club seats. Hardware included. Get comfortable with padded stadium seats, designed in common seat dimensions fit your chair. If you wish to buy corporate tickets, but would also like to be a bowl partner then click on the following link to receive a sponsorship brochure. They are in better shape than this one in the photo. Was told came. AS on any photo below to view other available seats for sale. 2023 Heritage Auctions | All Rights Reserved. Inches upgrade ultra. post; account; 0 favorites. Cleveland On sale. cast-iron standards restored to look new, repainted red Red and Green seats available! Welcome to Click the image to load the highest resolution version. Olympia, Montreal Forum, Maple Leaf Gardens, and MANY MORE!! Items in the Price Guide are obtained exclusively from licensors and partners solely for our members research needs. yankee stadium seat for sale | eBay Save veterans stadium seat to get e-mail alerts and updates on your eBay Feed. Three Things to know about Heritage Live! Featuring Stadium Seats Description. Seat height: inches. It hosted the Philadelphia Phillies of Major League Baseball (MLB) from 1971 to 2003 and the Philadelphia Eagles of the . function googleTranslateElementInit() { Stadium Seats | Best Price at DICK'S Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion rates. Vet Stadium Seats $ 775.00 We have several remaining Veterans Stadium pairs that have the Liberty Bell logo on the Right Hand end. philadelphia > for sale > collectibles - by owner. SETH JOYNER AUTOGRAPHED VETERANS STADIUM SEAT BOTTOM W/INSCRIPTIONS, LINCOLN FINANCIAL FIELD STADIUM SEAT Super Bowl LII Philadelphia Eagles Foles, VETERANS STADIUM SEAT BOTTOM ORIGINAL PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES & EAGLES, Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum stadium seat cushion GREEN (NEW YORK ISLANDERS, VINCE PAPALE AUTOGRAPHED VETERANS STADIUM SEAT BACK PHILADELPHIA EAGLES W/PROOF, LINCOLN FINANCIAL FIELD STADIUM SEAT SIDE Super Bowl LII Philadelphia Eagles, Bob Boone Autographed #8 Veterans Stadium Stat Seat Back (JSA), MANNY TRILLO Autographed Veterans Stadium Seat Back w/1980 WS Champs Inscription, Bobby Abreu Autographed Veterans Stadium Seat Back w/ Multiple Inscriptions (JSA, Philadelphia Eagles Veterans Stadium, 8x10 Color Photo, VETERANS STADIUM BUFFALO BILLS PHILADELPHIA EAGLES REPLICA DANBURY MINT NFL. Some brands. We have detected that you do not have JavaScript enabled. Sets of 2-3 steel Seat Feet for Veterans Stadium RISER MOUNTING Seats from the former home of the Philadelphia, Phillies, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Own a piece of history | well as links to other great stadium web pages! Overall dimensions are 60' wide x 30" tall x 16" deep and they weigh almost 100 lbs, plus the weight of a pallet, so shipping could be pretty expensive. Seating at Vystar Veterans Memorial Stadium consists of the Lower Level, Upper Level and Suites.

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