Unfortunately, the above VLOOKUP execution will give you the pivot evaluates to an out of bounds range Google Sheets error. After doing so, shift your eyes to the right to find the respective value in the Status column. If col_index_num is greater than the number of columns in table-array, you'll get the #REF! Essentially I'm trying to get the first VLOOKUP's range, to be a VLOOKUP of the drop-down box. A: You can avoid Vlookup evaluating to an out of bounds range by ensuring that the value you are searching for is present in the table you are searching. The second option is to use the INDEX and MATCH functions together. This can be used to return a value from a range that VLOOKUP is evaluating before the VLOOKUP is executed. Vlookup Evaluates To An Out Of Bounds Range - Tech guide 2. Google Sheets Vlookup function is a powerful tool for quickly finding data in a spreadsheet. If the lookup value is incorrect, Vlookup will return an out of bounds range error. Hence, you decided to execute VLOOKUP(K2,A1:A8,3,FALSE) while entering a valid course code in the K2 cell. HLOOKUP evaluates to an out of bounds range. The #N/A error results because the lookup value Kale appears in the second column (Produce) of the table_array argument A2:C10. By following these steps, users should be able to troubleshoot and resolve any out of bounds range errors that occur when using Vlookup in Google Sheets. Example One: Using VLOOKUP to Assign Letter Grades to Exam Scores If you don't specify anything, the default value will always be TRUE or approximate match. But if you store the array in a cell (eg B2) and refer to that cell in the formula, eg: =VLOOKUP ("keyB",B2,2,FALSE) .you get a #REF! In our example, column G uses Attorney (the lookup_value) to get the Bill Rate data from the fourth column (col_index_num = 4) from the Attorneys worksheet table, tblAttorneys (the table_array), with the formula =VLOOKUP([@Attorney],tbl_Attorneys,4,FALSE). Yes, the location of the lookup value matters. The syntax will look like this: =INDEX(return a value from C2:C10, that will MATCH(Kale, which is somewhere in the B2:B10 array, in which the return value is the first value corresponding to Kale)). Note: specify the data range within the COLUMN function excluding the last column with data. The key advantage of INDEX/MATCH is that you can look up a value in a column in any location in the lookup table. The column number (starting with 1 for the left-most column of table_array) that contains the return value. 3. The VLOOKUP function works in two directions: If you need to look up a column to the left, there is a workaround: For example, we need to look up the Price column for the value 11 and learn the Product name that matches it. While this may not seem challenging, it can be cumbersome when you have a large table and have to count the number of columns. Use the IFERROR Function: The IFERROR function can be used to catch errors that occur when a Vlookup evaluates to an out of bounds range. if you tell it to look in column 4 when there are only 3 columns in your table_array then it's going to find that impossible to return a result. Searches across the first row of a range for a key To use this function, simply enter the Vlookup formula as normal, followed by the IFERROR function. We would like to provide a discount on the sales amount, and the percentage of that discount is dependent upon the amount spent. If your lookup value is not in the first column of the array, you will see the #N/A error. VLOOKUP evaluates to an out-of-bounds range . This can be used to determine the row and column numbers of the cell that VLOOKUP is evaluating before the VLOOKUP is executed.
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