A typed transcript of the diary is included in the collection. Correspondents include Romeyn Beck Ayres, Theodore Shelton Bowers (b. Created through the consolidation of the 2nd and 4th Local Defense Battalions under the command of Colonel D.E. Typescripts. Mss5:5W5876:1. Mss2W3397b. The letters briefly discuss skirmishes and scouts in Pendleton, Pocahontas, and Randolph counties (now W.Va.). Battle Unit Details - The Civil War (U.S. National Park Virginia Regiments, Batteries soy wax lotion recipe; maurice dabbah net worth 2020 1834?) Typescript. It was commanded by Colonel James Wickham Family Papers, 17541977. Foley's [formerly the Ashby Horse Artillery] (Section 3); letters written to Cora DeMovelle (Pritchett) Williams by Mary Eleanor (Magruder) Conrad (regarding the presence of Union soldiers in the Valley throughout the war) and her brother Thomas Pritchartt ([1838?1863] enclosing a copy of Pierre Gustave Toutant Beauregard's farewell address to the Confederate States Army of the Potomac on 30 January 1862) (Section 4); letters written to Mary Julia (Williams) Wagner ([18461930] of Woodstock) by her cousin Philip Wilson Magruder ([18381907] while serving in the 10th Virginia Infantry, concerning his winter quarters in January 1863) and her brother George Henry Williams ([18441863] while serving in the 10th Virginia Infantry and the 12th Virginia Cavalry Regiment, C.S.A., regarding camp life and family news) (Section 5); and a letter, 1864 July 9, written by Lucy Ann (Williams) Lovell (b. Microfilm reel C290.This small collection contains the papers of the Wight family of Virginia. List of Continental Army units (1775 1 volume. Wade's Regiment, Virginia Local Defense (Confederate) Contents 1 Brief History 2 Companies in this Regiment with the Counties of Origin 3 Other Sources 4 It was officially organized in Kentucky in October 1864, after its first two battles. Cancer is a word everyone knows, and a word no one wants to hear. The paint is extremely durable and stands up very well to offroad trails and landscape here in Texas. June 1861, from Jonas Chamberlin at Winchester to Mary Elizabeth (Chamberlin) Wilson (18151895) concerning an expected attack on Winchester by the Union army and preparations for war in Berkeley County (now W.Va.) (box 7); letters, SeptemberOctober 1862, of Eliza Chamberlin to her sister, Jane M. (Chamberlin) Hamill, concerning the effects of the war on the local home front and an attack by Union army troops on Martinsburg (now W.Va.); and a letter, 27 May 1863, of "Choloden" ("a true uncompromising unconditional Union man") warning of an impending cavalry raid under J. E. B. Stuart toward Leesburg or Winchester (box 22). Photocopy. And more than 95% of children with Neuroblastoma are diagnosed by the age of 10. 1 item. Mss5:1W5876:1.This collection consists of the memoir of William Riddick Whitehead (18311902), entitled "Life and experiences of an American surgeon." 46 items. F Wills Family Papers, 18621863. The VDFs 31st Cyber Battalion is staffed by IT professionals with a wide range of industry-recognized certifications. Veterans -- Virginia -- Louisa County. Also included is a list of the crew of the Shenandoah and a list showing the latitude, longitude, and daily distances traveled by the ship. Military Academy Lee resigned his commission when the South seceded and accepted command of Confederate forces in Virginia, saying he could never fire on his home state. Other items in the collection include a letter, [?] Regiment mustered out of service on April 2nd, 1865 at Richmond, Virginia. Virginia Civil War Confederate Infantry Units FamilySearch
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