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Springboro Building Inspector List of items that require a Building Permit, Division of Building & Safety Engineering Personnel, Direct Link to Municipal Home 45036 Permit Fees. 513-933-1291. Ginty is the contact regardinginformation for Commercial Zoning Certificates. Land Use Variance For residential questions, please contact A Zoning Permit must be completed and submitted to the Zoning Office for approval. Lebanon OH Please submit the following for a zoning permit: Five ways to have zoning permits processed: Please email ( or call 937-748-1267 with any questions or to schedule an appointment. Protection of life, buildings, and property values through code enforcement. Warren Metropolitan Housing Authority provides affordable housing for up to 1,025 low and moderate income households through its Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) and Public Housing programs.. Mason OH Permit issued, based upon the completeness of request. 45032 937-748-9791, Warren County Building Department Morrow OH Building & Zoning | Springboro, OH View the homes permit checklist. If you have more questions regarding formal zoning complaints click here. Miscellaneous Fees, Certificate of Compliance Application Yes. MEDICAL MARIHUANA FACILITY (MMFLA) Per Warren County Fiscal Court Resolution 21-54: Each building permit fee for all classification groups shall be calculated by multiplying that total building area under construction by $0.15 per square foot. Special Application Typically a shed thats 400 square feet, the permit is $15, Kalkbrenner said. Permit Application Forms. 937-746-9921, Mason City Manager When filling out your permit application and/or homeowners permits, please fill in ALL information. Just as Mayor Offices may issue or file permits, Commissioners may also be responsible for building permits, occupancy permits, and other municipal permits. These Warren County permits may be required for building projects such as renovations, demolitions, and land development. Our office has one application that covers all permits. Warren County Clerk of Courts Lebanon OH 500 Justice Drive 45036 513-695-1120. No person, firm, corporation or company shall perform any work without first checking with the Engineering, Planning and Building Department for work valued over $400.00, including labor, material and equipment. These permit records are often available online through the Town or City Hall website. Learn more about all the permit fees. 45040

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