More Warriors: the Road to Immortality Wiki, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Usable only once per turn. I just joined and Im excited to be here Apr 2, 2023 at 6:03pm Concentration is broken after receiving an injury. Warriors: the Road to Immortality is a RPG game made by Leonard, based on the universe of Warriors. Stance the focuses on awareness and stable footing. He's currently based in South Carolina and wondering if it's humanly possible to type up 600 articles a month. Warriors: The Road to Immortality | Wiki | Warriors Amino Main Page Download Forum News Wiki Discord Download the game! The gory fiasco is the series' ultimate symbol of why without training and expertise, superpowers just create dangerous amateurs. Makes a mousemeat of enemy. Warriors The Road to Immortality: Peace Ending Speedrun (34:57) I did both just to be safe since I knew it'll work.Game Download Page: Blackheart, Kittypet, Nettlepaw and Kestrelpaw (if alive) go to Moonpool and defeat the Rat King with the help of Tempestpaw. ]], ** During the thicket meeting, [[spoiler:you can skip fighting the fox by sending. The game follows a young cat, ** You can also unlock an endings where you or Badgerpaw become a medicine cat instead of a warrior. Dawnkit and Duskkit sneak out of camp and Dawnkit drowns. However, if you do this, Kestrelpaw is killed by. Greatly increases damage you deal and receive. TroubledSpar7an 360 subscribers Subscribe 1K views Streamed 5 years ago So, here is another livestream playthrough. Prevents each enemy attack against user. Become a warrior or a medicine cat. Finchstar's Rebellion takes place. However, if you do this, Kestrelpaw is killed by it and Badgerpaw loses all reason to stay in the Clan. Extremely fast attack. Warriors: The Road to Immortality (RPG Warriors fangame out) Prev 1 2 3 4 5 .. 12 Next Quick Reply Guest Name: Font Face Font Size Shoutbox Welcome to the WC:UT shoutbox! The fates of the Seven aren't pretty, but each comes at a significant character or narrative moment that makes The Boys richer as a story, as well as showing just how vehemently the series hates anyone who achieves unearned power only to turn around and abuse it. Warriors: The Road to Immortality - Main Page What is "The Road to Immortality"? Make Your own choices, live the consequences. * MultipleEndings: The demo has four possible endings, mostly based on what you do during the thicket segment at the end. Warriors: the Road to Immortality Wiki | Fandom Stuns the enemy if it's their first turn. The villain no one saw coming was the Sevens most mysterious member, Black Noir. Depending on your answer, Nightkit has a chance [[spoiler:of dying,]] especially if you say the Cave is the best spot in the, * BigBad: The main villain, at least initially, appears to be Splashstar, a [=RiverClan=] who has decided to purge the Clans of any cat she deems impure. In The Boys #63, Butcher kidnaps A-Train and reveals a recorded conversation the Supe had with the rest of the Seven shortly after he killed Robin. Protects patrol from skills that would prevent from moving for a few turns.
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