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It can work but it can go completely wrong too. Ultimately, its a gesture to your father so what counts is what youre happy doing. You dont necessarily need a tie with this type of casual wear, but youll be able to add in some personality with a pocket square and good pair of loafers too. You dont have to abandon your personality though. The goal is for your focus (and that of others) to be on the deceased and their loved ones. A black-tie worn with your dark suit (grey, black, or navy) will certainly make you look the part for a funeral, but don't feel you have to be this darkly dressed and formal. If cost is a consideration, you may be able to find one rather cheap at a big box store that sells clothing or at a thrift store. If you do choose a tie, you can try to choose something simple. Either single or double-breasted jackets are appropriate, though our feeling is that younger men (under 45) should opt for single-breasted jackets. We follow a strict editorial process to provide you with the best content possible. I would just recommend opting for black rather than brown shoes, though, as these might be a little too bright. If you pick out one with a few stripes on it, you can add a modern look to this classic color. Well also enter. Navy suit, white shirt, black tie? | Styleforum Just make sure the only colors in the tie are black and gray, the pattern isnt too bold (novelty ties are out), and theres no metallic details in the tie. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases. Many users would be better served consulting an attorney than using a do-it-yourself online People definitely notice if youre wearing a tie that doesnt match your navy suit and might judge you a little for it. Learn more in our affiliate disclosure. Find out what to do and discover resources to help you cope. Many people dont realize you can wear navy blue to a funeral, but you definitely can. Just because it's a tie doesn't make it okay to wear to a funeral. The charcoal also goes well with a pink shirt if you're willing to stand out a little more.

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