Riley had worked at the radio., Owner: Meanwhile, the final episodes introduced a separate storyline on the Ring planet Laconia that opened up all sorts of possibilities for a 7th season that is unlikely to happen (but maybe we can still hope for a movie?). what happened to josh seas on 610 wtvn. Joe Bradley whereabouts : r/Columbus - Reddit Is Sports Radio Giving Up on Mid Markets? By: Sam C on August 20, 2018, 610 hit a home run putting Woody in the afternoon spot. By: Rick on April 19, 2021, I have been a longtime listener, Connors, Corby, Riley and now Blazer. grace vanderbilt singer; what happened to woody on 610 wtvn . While they're enjoying a period of relative quiet, they still have to decide on their next move, and "The Expanse" has shown that the Roci always manages to become involved in universe-shattering events. . When Holden and Naomi speak at the end of the episode, Holden mentions they could become security for freighters passing through the Ring or consultants on one of the Ring colonies. Its sad as Ive been listening for over 40 years. Corby's tone and pace were perfect for me. Square it away or lose another listener. If you continue this rhetoric against DeWine, that is exactly what you will get. I honestly question if I will continue listening. "Boots" is a great anchor for Saturday mornings! He was repossessed. I am pissed I can't do more stuff, including my cancelled cruise, jackets games and more restaurants. Mark Blazor - News Radio 610 WTVN If he is, lll be listening somewhere else and Ive been a WTVN guy for probably more than 50 years! On that note, Ive been a Bradly fan for decades. I really want to listen all day. He sounded like a genuinely good guy, but I think this change is for the best.By: Bill from Dayton on August 15, 2018, Bring back Sterling! With the Rays on the Southside of Chicago this week, the White Sox took a moment before their game on Thursday to pay tribute to Wills. The Lexington market remains served by ESPN Sports Radio 1300 and 92.5. After Amazon picked up the series for Season 4, the show gained a second life, and now with the conclusion of Season 6, it gives longtime fans a pretty clear and conclusive ending with very few strings dangling. Not only does it mean some ships are vanishing without a trace, but it also means the whole System could incur the wrath of the aliens that eradicated the protomolecule's creators. Keep "Boots" Sat am Call-In & extend for more callers! Lori Schmidt (Sports reporter at 610 WTVN) He was genuine, like Corby. I used to listen to 700 WLW but they have gone downhill. u all better find a better replacement u lost a pm listener ijn me. However, though she stays on the Roci following the conclusion of the war, it appears she continues to keep her medical condition secret. Duarte is one of the leaders of the rogue Martian faction that exchanges the Martians' advanced weapons technology with Marco for a sample of the protomolecule and the protomolecule expert Dr. Cortazar (Carlos Gonzalez-Vio). Travis Escue By: travis escue on July 7, 2020, I love the afternoon drive- it's a great mixture with Mark, Josh, Dave & throw in their weekly guests- simply entertainment!