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OK, that is in the range of prices youll see pitched for doing full genome testing, though more often that will cost close to a thousand dollars. This Company is Trading for Just $2.10 Right Now. That means they grow the salmon in filtered pools that simulate the wild environment so they dont even need a wild body of water! That DARPA reference is a bit secondhand, it comes from this quote, from a pandemic response researcher at Vanderbit who received DARPA funding: Twist is the only synthetic DNA provider who can deliver the quantity and quality of DNA we need for our projects rapidly. OK, a special kind of microchip that sounds appealing, but how does it help with gene sequencing? What bothered me the most is the pitch that I saw was a rerun from almost a year ago. NjI5ZDBkMjIxMzJkY2FhOGI2YzRkY2E3NjkyMGMzMjgwM2ZiYmZjMmRmZDJi I do try to see all opinions, forecasts, etc., but Travis is truly a blessing. They have been well under a dollar many times over the years, though in part thats because theyve done three huge reverse splits to get out of penny stock land over the past 20 years or so. This site and Stock Gumshoe publications and authors do not offer individual financial, investment, medical or other advice. The Imperium Technology Group Limited represents a specific investment holding company manufacturing and selling household furnishings. Not to say I have not also lost money. I originally published a teaser solution for this Adam ODell pitch on April 12, 2021, and the ad still carries a February 2021 date but despite that date, the pitch has been modified a bit over the past year, its being re-circulated heavily again. Imperium Technology may offer investors a low-risk, high-return investment, but they often struggle to determine how to invest. Y2JjZTgxNDcxYTg1MzU4MWUxNjNkN2JhNmFjYzJhYTg0MWY5N2IwM2FiZjI3 OK, that is in the range of prices youll see pitched for doing full genome testing, though more often that will cost close to a thousand dollars. I, as well as many other followers, appreciate your thorough and significant effort, and time, to assist we small investors . Im more of an easy money type so its run the course for me. Where it goes from here, I dont know they have about $38 million in cash left over from the $75 million in equity raises theyve done over the past couple years, and they say theyre being careful with money and are well-positioned, but I would assume theyd need some glowing clinical trial results or a huge partnership deal to do anything exciting from here.

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