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Johnny is in critical condition. The Outsiders: About The Outsiders | Book Summary & Study Guide Cherry says she is unwilling to visit Johnny in the hospital because he killed her boyfriend. S. E. Hinton has received numerous honors and awards. Twilight Fandom in an Uproar Over New TV Series Announcement, YA Books With Neurodivergent Representation, A Fanfiction Writer is Suing Amazons Rings of Power and The Tolkien Estate, 5 Books By Diverse Multicultural Authors That We Love, 9 Amazing Movies That Are Secretly Shakespearean Classics. Curly Shepard: Tim Shepard's younger brother, mentioned as a friend of Ponyboy's. There are a number of hints as to the time period of the story: Though the story probably takes place in the 1960s, the story maintains a timelessness. The Cast of The Outsiders: Where Are They Now? - Parade Hinton | Characteristics & Analysis, The Outsiders Novel | Summary & Characters, Cherry Valance from The Outsiders | The Outsiders by S.E. In The Outsiders, justice comes by way of class warfare between the greasers, a gang of poor teenage boys, and the Socs, the rich kids from the other side of town. This consequence undoubtedly still happens today, but it is not the norm. What is some history that happened in The Outsiders? Dally invites Ponyboy and Johnny to go to the movies with him the following night. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. Author S.E. Hinton, its teenage author, was graduating from her high school in Oklahoma. Text to Text: 'The Outsiders' and 'Bored, Broke and Armed' Youre feeling and seeing injustice, and youre standing up against it.. Moving forward O'Connor kept the thought of buying it, which he eventually did in 2016. She effectively utilizes foreshadowing and almost challenges the reader to anticipate what is coming next. The Outsiders, S.E. Are you sure you want to remove #bookConfirmation# The cars, music, movies, and prices all indicate that S.E. Another hint is that all of the teenagers go to the drive-in on Friday night. Hinton. Ponyboy believes that his outward appearance marks him as a resident of East Side. RS Recommends: The 8 Best Books About Weed The Outsiders (Hardcover) Published September 6th 2007 by Viking Books for Young Readers. 'The Outsiders': 40 Years Later - Books - New York Times

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