They spanned all classes and included military soldiers and officers, Cossacks, intellectuals of various professions, dispossessed businessmen and landowners, as well as officials of the Russian Imperial government and of various anti-Bolshevik governments of the Russian Civil War period. The nature of the link between the Whites in France and Germany is well encapsulated by the Russian Fascist Party (Russkaia fashistkaia partiia, RFP). Many, estimated as being between the hundred thousands and a million,[2] also served Germany in the Wehrmacht or in the Waffen-SS, often as interpreters.[3]. Emigration (Russian Empire) | International Encyclopedia of the First Chaired by Tyrkova-Williams, the organisation . The emigre community swarmed with Soviet spies, as some defeated Russian officers continued plotting a military fightback from abroad. Source: Open source. However, if dynastic competition was a matter that mobilized the diaspora globally, the debate over the succession essentially took place between Paris and Munich. [27] Following the kidnapping of Kutepovs successor, General Miller, in 1937, ROVS leaders stopped establishing themselves in Paris: General Abramov took up residence in Sofia in 1938, while General Arkhangelsky went to live in Brussels. Istanbul, which had a population of around 900,000 at that time, opened its doors to approximately 150 thousand White Russians. The Russian colony in France, to use the terminology of the time, was made up of different and even conflicting political communities: monarchists hoping for a restoration of tsarism, social-democrats hoping to preserve the legacy of the February revolution, and later different groups of communist dissidents, in particular Trotskyists. The place, formerly known as Hristaki Passage, became known as iek Pasaj after the Russian flower girls took up residence. [34] PP, Ligue Internationale Anti Communiste, 3 p., May 31, 1933; State police of Nice to the General Director of National Safety, A/S de la Ligue Anti Communiste, 2p., July 6, 1933; Central Commissioner of Bordeaux to the Interior Minister, Ligue Anti Communiste, May 10, 1933, 3p.; General Commissioner of Bordeaux to the General Director of National Safety, Ligue Anti Communiste, 2 p., May 4, 1934, AN/20010216/168. 'After the Romanovs' Review: From Czar's Palace to Taxi Stand They consider the period of 1917 to 1991 to have been a period of anti-Christian occupation by the Soviet regime.
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