But Clark, in his appearence before a Congresional committee, was cool and thorough in his testimony, and denied taking payola. He emerged from the hearings without lasting harm. Throughout his career, Clarkkept one foot in the world of radio, and would later focus some of his business interests there, also using it as a platform for rockn roll nostalgia. . And he also packaged concert tours, taking the music on the road. sixty regulars in the 50s and many viewers could name them all. says he was only allowed on the show only on certain days of the week. Late 1950s: Dick Clark interviewing guest singer, Bobby Darin. especially outside Philadelphia, the regulars were role models. He spent time at In a Pontiac advertisement that aired just before the 1969 episode of American Bandstand above, the years models are touted as breakaway cars vehicles for escape without rebellion. However, the station screened those requests, some by area of the city, and others on the basis of the last names submitted on the requests with Polish, Itallian, and Irish sounding last names receiving preference. By 1965, Dick Clark, then 35 years old, was making about $1 million a year. in Music, Television | July 16th, 2021 Leave a Comment. Thomas Heath and Howard Schneider, Snyder Adds A TV Icon To His Empire, Washington Post, Wednesday, June 20, 2007, P. D-1. <> American Bandstand, late -1950s-early-1960s. ", The son of a radio-station owner in Utica, N.Y., Dick Clark had been a radio disc jockeyas a student at Syracuse University. 37 0 obj to you, you could get a membership card. <> PopHistoryDig.com, March 25, 2008. amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; as endobj The College Board has had high hopes for the course, introducing it at a glittery reception in February at the National Museum of African American History and Culture, part of the Smithsonian. As for recording artists with the notable exceptions of Elvis Presley, the Beatles, and the Rolling Stones most of the major rock n roll acts from the 1950s through mid-1980s appeared on the show. football games, track meets, dances, shows and sometimes even at church. In the late 1960s he did various television series, talent shows, and also hosted TV game shows, culminating in the late 1970s with The $25,000 Pyramid. <> WebOn August 5, Bandstand became American Bandstand. Of the Caravan shows held in some parts of the south, John Jackson would note in his book: Although the performers on Clarks Caravans did not conduct sit-ins or demonstrations, simply by having whites and blacks sit together at concerts, they helped pioneer integration in the south. Jackson also noted that in order to keep racial confrontations to a minimum with his Caravans, Clark did not tour in parts of the Deep South..