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Capricorns are famously dependable, making them excellent employees and life partners. This can cause a ton of conflict between them. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. However, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim. He was born in 1982. They find it hard to give up their side of their argument even if they are in the wrong. Then these two will be on their way to harmony. Sagittarius (November 22 December 21) Taurus will be attracted to Sagittarius optimism and sense of humor, and they may even push themselves to be a little more adventurous to keep up with Sag. | . A bull and a lion. However, it is important to remember that Sagittarius people are often not motivated by competition or personal gain, so their fighting style may not be as focused or aggressive as that of someone else. They prefer to keep their relationships with others good. However, a Gemini will typically want to know more details about the organization and exactly how the donated money will be used to help the cause before considering donating their money. They may get angry quickly, but they calm down twice as fast and do not hold grudges. Aries on the other hand will help Sagittarius reconnect to a more fun and curious side of themselves. It depends on a persons individual strengths and weaknesses. They should only be read for entertainment purposes and not as factual, professional, or scientific information or advice to you. Beware of getting too worked up with a Leoyou simply wont win the argument that way. Home - Horoscope - Can Sagittarius Fight? Sagittarius draws Leo outdoors and soon both are glowing with fresh fire in the cheeks. However, in general, sagittarius individuals are known for their expansive and optimistic attitudes, as well as their strong sense of intuition and intuition. TAURUS (April 21 - May 21): It may be true that a bit of what you fancy does you good but it doesn't follow that a lot of what you fancy will be even better for you. Not every Gemini is irresponsible, but this sign stereotypically doesn't take already-made plans, promises, and commitments as seriously as many other zodiac signs. Pisces tends to be very empathetic and compassionate while Sagittarius tends to be more honest and direct. 1 (Not that they're lonely. These types of people are typically quick thinkers and have a lot of energy, which is likely to help them when it comes to managing taurus stubbornness and slow-wittedness. This could be something that Taurus will have a problem with due to their possessive nature. The first way is to outsmart the Gemini person. However, there are some people who believe that some zodiac signs can be more difficult to beat than others. When angry, Sagittarius can be passionate and expressive of their anger first, but they are unlikely to hold onto it for a long time. Zodiac Battle! Aries VS Taurus VS Gemini VS Cancer VS Leo VS - Reddit

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who would win in a fight sagittarius or taurus