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Playing this sport has given me drive and focus, and makes me even more productive at work so I can complete my tasks efficiently and still have time for training.. Any reason is a good reason, there is no right or wrong here. While volunteering, Ive honed my organizational skills in keeping the animals on a set daily routine, and have worked in compliance with the Humane Society safety procedures.. When we interviewed a college graduate and found them to have a solid understanding of technology, it was usually for one of two reasons: No one who applied for a job at Microsoft in 1992 grew up surrounded by smart devices, connected to the internet, with a world of information and entertainment always on demand. If you have envisaged or even created a technology solution to an everyday problem, whether at home or in your studies, that will stand out. How to force Unity Editor/TestRunner to run at full speed when in background? Second, you pay attention to trade magazines in various industries. Some of the technical processes you should discuss when answering IT interview questions about in-house IT support are: "I previously worked for a marketing agency and set up the computer systems, workstations, and network hardware after they moved to a new location. Why did DOS-based Windows require HIMEM.SYS to boot? Emerging technologies come with new releases of mainstream tools and new revisions of major standards (which means trade magazines are necessary but not sufficient) Computer Science journals and papers provide raw material for what will become the cutting edge in 3-4 years, but unless one is ready to spend a whole lot of time sifting through the chaff, they aren't helpful for practitioners. Tell Us About Your Technical Background and Experience. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. about what the problem you aimed to resolve was, how you applied your skills and what motivated you to try solving the issue. Just make sure it's something you are genuinely passionate about, something you know a bit about, and something you are actively engaged in. Before the interview, prepare by picking a passion that you will talk about if you get asked this question.

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why are you passionate about technology interview question