Which is the most important river in Congo? answer choices They were drunk and wanted to fight Johnny and Ponyboy provoked them at the movie theater Johnny and Ponyboy made fun of their clothes and cars Johnny and Ponyboy hung out with their girls Question 7 300 seconds Q. from your Reading List will also remove any Later, when the boys are going to ask for directions to Jay Mountain, Ponyboy sees Johnny "as a stranger might see him," and realizes that they will never pass for farm boys. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. The code of honor that protects Ponyboy's gang is held by all: "When you're a gang, you stick up for the members." The gang rule that members must stick together is also part of the driving force of Ponyboy's family. . He shows his strength when he remains calm after the murder and rationally determines a course of action. It combines all colors, and therefore is not a greaser or a Soc color. . But later, as he looks for someone to ask directions, he thinks to himself, "I was in the country, but I knew I wasn't going to like it as much as I'd thought I would.". Chapter 2 Ponyboy and Johnny are both terrified, but they try to look tough. As a result of frustration and fear for Pony's safety, Darry had slapped him when he returned home well after curfew. Johnny and Ponyboy go from the youngest and most childish members of the greasers to people who have fought and killed Socs. They find Dally at the house of Buck Merril, his rodeo partner. He was scared for Ponyboy because the socs were drowning him. Suddenly the boys see the blue Mustang from earlier that night. Therefore, on a symbolic level, Bob transforms his wealth into a physical weapon. The Mustang belongs to Bob and Randy, Cherrys and Marcias Soc boyfriends. How does Ponyboy react when Randy confides in him at the Tasty Freeze? When he regains consciousness, the Socs have run away. This question should be answered in 5-7 sentence. Chazelle, Damien ed. One night at a drive-in, Cherry befriends Ponyboywhich doesnt go over well with Bob. He notices how easy it is to talk to Cherry. Ponyboy sees the Soc, Bob, lying in a pool of blood. Knowing that Dally is the gang member with the resources to help them, they go in search of him to a party at the home of Buck Merril, Dally's rodeo partner. Latest answer posted November 21, 2020 at 4:16:24 PM. Cherry's. The socs attacked ponyboy and johnny because they picked up the boys girls When does dally give johnny and pony the gun? They grew up on the outside of society. Johnny shook his head.
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