A burial in an environment that is both eco-friendly and bacteria-free would be at the deepest level of the soil. Have you got a Big Question you'd like us to answer? But due to the different factors such as, hardness of the soil, shortage of space, and personal choice, the depth can be altered. To Prevent the Spread of Disease As mentioned earlier, London officials and medical practitioners in 1665 mistakenly thought that deceased plague victims spread the disease (among many other erroneous explanations), and that burying these bodies 6 feet under would help slow/stop the spread of the disease. Medical schools in the early 1800s bought cadavers for anatomical study and dissection, and some people supplied the demand by digging up fresh corpses. Juliet has been forced to accept the consequences of her actions in the aftermath of Davids death, and now serves as the only remaining member of the group. I would have thought cremation would be best under current circumstances especially as the family can have the ashes for internment or scattering after this virus and its restrictions are over. Other theories proposed as to how the six feet deep idea came to be embedded in popular consciousness include that it started via the general rule of burying someone as deep as they were long. There are many reasons why a six feet deep grave is necessary. Thank you for visiting my blog. Other tests have shown that dogs can smell as deep as six times that depth. They issued orders that grave-diggers must dig holes at least six feet deep in order to prevent this spread. One of the most common reasons for above-ground burial is due to environmental factors such as flooding or high water tables. As long as you fill out the correct forms before doing it and youre sure youre still within the confines of the land you own, you could theoretically bury someone on your property as shallow or as deeply as you wished. And there there is the rise of the green burial where people can be buried in a way that encourages decomposition into the soil for the benefit of the local plants. It is said that animals cannot detect decomposing remains if the ground is at least six feet deep.
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