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If youre able to keep providing them with new toys that fit your brand, then youre going to keep your customers. The series includes models of Villa Savoye and Farnsworth HouseTM to name a few. The most expensive individual Lego ever auctioned was a 14-karat gold brick, which sold in a January 2017 Catawiki auction for $19,793. Whats the story? The Venice model was the smallest of the series of Architecture / Skylines (Cityscapes) sets, with only 212 bricks and featuring just 4 buildings. All LEGO Architecture sets include a booklet with details on the architecture and the history of the real building. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Certain factors like its resale value, licensing partnerships, and collectibility make Legos expensive. That is an insane level of quality. The average price of a single Lego brick is around 11 cents. They re-test their elements and improve their building instructions regularly so that kids dont get frustrated while playing. However, the most important reason of all lies in the value of the bricks to the lives of the people who use them who happen to be mostly children. Lego Architecture Shanghai. (Updated 2023), Why Are Diamonds So Expensive? Scan this QR code to download the app now. Some of the newer set themes include pirates, robots, Vikings, castle, dinosaurs, undersea exploration kits, and trains. In relation to the acceptance or desirability of either companys product, according to a nine-year-old Lego expert, You dont want to tell your friends you just got yourself a brand new MegaBloks set. . The landmarks in this set include Big Red, Willis Tower, Cloud Gate, DuSable Bridge, The Wrigley Building and the John Hancock Center. In Adam Reed Tuckers words: I wanted to tell a story, and not just sell a box of bricks.. One of the reasons why Lego is good for development is that it helps build an early foundation for mathematical concepts such as shape, number concept, measurement, etc. Thats pretty hard to match in the business world. Sets such as LEGO City are expensive due to their popularity and high demand. /r/lego is about all things LEGO. My teenager kid love it!!! They understand that 7-year-old boys largely play differently than 7-year-old girls, and factor this in. (2023 Updated), Why Is Mediterranean Food So Expensive? Moreover, the company has promised to $150 million a LEGO Sustainable Materials Center, which is aimed at putting a halt to further production of the currently used plastic materials and replacing them with environment-friendly alternatives by the year 2030. Those sorts of partnerships dont come cheap either. Nevertheless, license fees are certainly one big reason Lego puts so much into developing its own intellectual property. They spend a lot of time designing the sets. We were sent one a few days ago by the LEGO community team to be able to bring you this review on the day the . At the moment, the LEGO 2023 list contains mainly novelties from the 1st half of 2023. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Here's a quick recap of the 20 most expensive Lego sets in the world: H.C. Andersen's Clumsy Hans (2015 Edition) - $7,375.

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