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Teaching is considered to be a noble profession, since this is the way where a teacher can transfer knowledge, students listens what teacher says, gain respect, gives name and fame and can mould . This sociological view, first formulated by Talcott Parsons, holds that a profession is a static thing with attributes that apply without exception. Is Teaching A Good Career Path? Notable & Respected | TBW role. 4. Shes clearly an exemplary educator, but thats just one of the ways Pierson exerts a positive influence in her students lives. But these problems alone arent driving the protests. The teachers position is that, under the cover of a commitment to improving schools, school district and local governments have instead closed neighborhood public schools, opened charter schools, instituted standard curriculums, mandated poorly thought out high-stakes standardized testing, attacked teacher tenure, instituted merit pay instead of annual salary increments, restricted collective bargaining rights, and subjected teachers to questionable and punitive evaluation schemes. This is a BETA experience. They need the gift of time and something even more precious: support. It normally aspires to social, not selfish, purpose. In other words, and as others have noted, teachers are balking at the erosion of their status as professionals. How cool is that for the students? What To Make of Declining Enrollment in Teacher Preparation Programs In addition, test-based accountability has colonized teaching techniques and objectives, teacher performance evaluations are yoked to student test scores, and teacher training programs are de-emphasized. Jennfer Kidd, Jamie Kaufman, Peter Baker, Patrick O'Shea, Dwight Allen, & Old Dominion U students, National Education Association Ethics Indicators for Educators, Jennfer Kidd, Jamie Kaufman, Peter Baker, Patrick O'Shea, Dwight Allen & Old Dominion U students, Restraint of individual action and pursuit of learning, Do not use professional relationship for private advantage, Do not make false statements in application of a position, Do not assist someone unqualified gain entry into the profession, Do not make false statements concerning a candidates qualifications, Do not assist a noneducator in the unauthorized practice of teaching, Do not disclose personal information about a colleague unless required by law, Do not knowingly make false statements about a colleague, Do not accept any gift or favor that might influence professional decisions.

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