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If the structure is in an incorporated city or village, check local ordinances and requirements. This means if your ATV is farm registered, you need to register it for public use, but if it has recreational registration you can hit the trails. First conviction: fine between $50 and $250, with the option of community service, payment of damages, removal of waste, and payment of agency costs. Civil violation. All convictions are included in persons driving record. We have to be vigilant now and check that area. These DNR citations can also result in the revocation of all hunting and fishing licenses for up to 5 years. Class B infraction punishable by a fine up to $1,000 (34-28-5-4(b)). hb```@(p@e 000tV9qFxN~*Hs4|7Pd%4%O`h```h r:& Ch0h8@ZEVi20dTt g-LqL^?%.8C@s|$X4 p ,ez A We have in the past also worked with processors and taxidermists to get samples, so well be trying those avenues as well with the goal of getting 150 in that 10mile radius, he said. Litter weighing less than five pounds is a class C misdemeanor punishable by a fine of $50, imprisonment up to 30 days, or both, and up to 40 hours community service. Wisconsin's recycling laws [exit DNR] prohibit businesses and municipalities from burning yard or landscape waste, rubbish and trash except for waste to energy facilities. The following documents are provided in Adobe PDF format unless otherwise indicated. State regulations allow individual households to burn small amounts of dry, household rubbish (which includes only unrecyclable paper and cardboard, natural fibers, clean, untreated wood and similar materials) and small quantities of dry leaves and plant clippingsunless prohibited by local ordinance. )gR 5jf!p~9. A DNR wildfire prevention burning permit is not needed for these types of fires. All wood waste must be burned on the property from which it originated. While many hunters have become accustomed to hunting deer over bait, Beringer and Riggle said it may surprise people what eliminating the practice could do. Out of state ATVs can also purchase a trail pass to use the Wisconsin systems. of Interior, as defined in 101(a)(9) of Title 17, an additional penalty of $500 must be imposed for every first, second, and subsequent offense.

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