Policy Type. Woolworths Limited has for long been known as a stakeholder friendly company as it serves the interests well. Download our free remote work policy template to get started. 0000005429 00000 n Reference Document: Woolworths Limited Safety & Health Policy. This Site has been designed for Woolworths' Team Members to have a secure website accessible from home. Product Safety Requirements and Policies | Woolworths At Work Therefore, the responses do not add up to 100 percent. .widget { Urge employees to limit personal internet use and ensure everything they do online in the workplace is legal, ethical and appropriate (and explain what these mean). Developing and enforcing strong policies and procedures improves workplace culture and protects your organization from potential lawsuits. HRA2V}i4{fG&bL0Of-v. Policies and procedures are helpful for making your workplace run more efficiently, but they are only effective if you enforce them. color: #f5853b; Pallet Delay Days: Woolworths have standard pallet transfer delay days across their Network as below; AMBIENT 30 days from Receipt Date CHILLER/FROZEN 15 days from Receipt Date Ombudsman Act 2001. See Woolworths animal welfare position statement, See Woolworths climate change position statement. The current Constitution was proposed and adopted by shareholders at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 16 November 2007. margin: 0; Speak Up - Whistleblower / Ethics Hotline, Fraud, Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy, Responsible stewardship of natural resources, Supplier Speak Up policy: Chinese (simplified). fo`,>^&gH@,4|F,y` A The following standards have been developed to ensure that we consistently deliver the high level of customer service that our customers expect and deserve: We will always: be polite, professional, and courteous be responsive to customer inquiries and requests handle customer complaints promptly and effectively } } We take our compliance with the product safety requirements of the Australian Consumer Law seriously. The Board does so on recommendation from its Sustainability Committee. 186 0 obj <> endobj At Woolworths, all candidates that apply for Crime and Corruption Act 2001. Thats why you need to write (and consistently apply) attendance policies. internal audit and control woolworths - WOOLWORTHS LTD-
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