Her mother's dislike of Nahmi became more intense, and Nahmi eventually ended their relationship to spare Resnik more pain. [19] She also met with another former astronaut, John Glenn, who was now a United States senator from her home state of Ohio. [19], Resnik's mentor and advisor, Professor Angel G. Jordan, then Dean of Carnegie Mellon College of Engineering and later provost of Carnegie Mellon, also encouraged Resnik to apply for the program. Coats was able to repair the camera, and Hartsfield continued filming, while Resnik kept her distance. The Arthur Liman Center for Public Interest Laws Judith Resnik and Dwayne Betts 16 will present at the 2021 annual meeting of the American Association of Law Schools in a panel that combines imagery, music, documents, and data to convey the experience of prisoners. In 2008, Resnik was named Outstanding Scholar of the Year by the Fellows of the American Bar Foundation. INSIGHT: Protecting Prisoners in Pandemics Is a Constitutional Must Resnik served as a founder and, for more than a decade, as a co-chair of Yale Universitys Women Faculty Forum, begun in 2001. [28] Her fellow astronaut candidates nicknamed her "JR". Judith Resnik Founding Director / Arthur Liman Professor of Law [ full bio] Law School Room M43 203-432-1447 judith.resnik@yale.edu Resnik has led the Liman Center at its inception in 1997. [58] Resnik was primarily responsible for the operation of the RMS and, with fellow astronaut Ronald McNair, would deploy and later retrieve the Spartan. These reports have also identified a significant shift in governing policies and legislative action. Finally, on August 30, Discovery lifted off for the first time, and was in orbit eight minutes later. Once, prison administrators saw solitary as the solution to disciplinary issues in prison. Arthur Liman Professor of Law Judith Resnik is mentioned in a news story about a panel of former judges and legal scholars convened last year by the Project on Government Oversight, a nonpartisan group calling for reforms to the Supreme Court. She then entered a doctoral program. Arthur Liman Professor of Law Judith Resnik and former Dean Guido Calabresi 58 are quoted in this obituarty. They read Carrying the Fire, the 1974 book by Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, and she met with him in his office at the National Air and Space Museum.