Or did he find cheese. You have a really pretty voice. [1] Instead, grey clouds loomed over the premises, cloaking it in a somewhat sombre mood. This caused her to turn her head towards the direction of the sound, and only then, she noticed that there was someone else with him. She also didn't expect to get stuck in a very complicated love triangle. For this reason, he heard Ladybugs words clear as a summer sunny day. The reader will be Gender Neutral for everyone's benefit.Feel free to request a one shot or a follow up part to another chapter! Well, he laid boundaries when it came to himself, but seemed to forget that the word even existed when it came to [Name]. Also I am following Inquisitor Master's Yandere role play videos from a few years ago, so credits to her yandere roleplay! The brunet, Nino Lahiffe, chuckled nervously in response and he began to rub the back of his neck sheepishly. Chat: Wha- Ill let you guys continue you with whatever you were doing. Of course instead of getting some sleep, you called your friend Marinette and told her about it. Adrien scrambled to sit up, "I didn't do anything!". Luka Couffaine x Reader, Yandere! There was a light blush on [Name]s cheeks, and that was the only answer Nino needed. Aw, my little kitten is sur-purr-isingly naive. His tongue prodded between his pink lips to lick at your cheek, the appendages texture oddly rough despite belonging to a human. He did not stick around to reflect on their battle, or to make sure whether her, himself, or even if the akuma victim was okay. Tehsuan Glover is a southern gentleman mixed with up-town hustle. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. [Name], who had just realized what had happened, instantly, and frantically stepped away from the person. With her head hung low, [Name] quietly zipped up her bag, put it on her shoulders, and adjusted the straps so her bag sat comfortably on her shoulders. At that time, while Ladybug was glad that he had returned to his old self, she was baffled with how Chat no longer treated her as a friend like he use to. Its just that everyone thought you were a mute since you have never really spoken in class, Nino explained, grinning at her. At the back of her mind, Ladybug had an inkling that given his recent behaviour, Chat was most likely the one to commit these murders. On the outside Adrien was a gentle, loving guy. However, inside, his blood was boiling with rage. I'm making one because I love these, I might include a Plagg x reader because he counts. It was as if he was always in a rush to be somewhere, and frankly put, nothing but that somewhere, mattered to him anymore. Good point. Adrien: Do you know anything about my life? Lorem Ipsum has been the of the printing. Betrayal [Yandere! Chat Noir] [Reader-Insert] - chaotic creations
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